India’s History Of Genetic Testing

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Since independence, India has made great strides in the field of science and technology. One area in which India has made significant progress is in the field of genetic testing. Genetic testing can be used for a variety of purposes, such as diagnosing genetic disorders, predicting disease risk, and determining a person’s ethnic origins.

India has a long history of using genetic testing for diagnostic purposes. One of the first recorded instances of genetic testing in India was in the early 1970s, when a team of Indian scientists used genetic testing to diagnose thalassemia, a blood disorder. In the years since, genetic testing has been used to diagnosis a wide range of conditions, including Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, and cystic fibrosis.

In recent years, India has also been at the forefront of using genetics to predict disease risk. In 2008, an Indian company launched a genetic test that could predict an individual’s risk of developing breast cancer. This test was based on the BRCA1 gene, which is known to be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

In addition to its uses for diagnosing and predicting disease risk, genetic testing can also be used to determine a person’s ethnic origins. In 2009, a team of Indian and American researchers used genetic testing to identify four distinct populations in India: the Brahui, an isolate group with roots in Central Asia; the Austro-Asiatic peoples, who are indigenous to Southeast Asia; the Dravidians, who are indigenous to South Asia; and finally, the Indo-Europeans, who are a mix of South Asian and Central Asian populations.

2. The current state of genetic testing in India

The current state of genetic testing in India is still in its early stages. However, with the advent of new technologies, the potential for genetic testing in India is huge. Genetic testing can help in the diagnosis of various diseases and disorders, and can also be used to predict the risk of developing certain diseases. In addition, genetic testing can also be used to determine the best course of treatment for patients with certain diseases.

However, there are some limitations to genetic testing in India. One of the main limitations is the lack of awareness about genetic testing among the general population. In addition, there is a lack of regulation around genetic testing in India. As a result, it is important for people who are considering undergoing genetic testing to speak to a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions.

3. The benefits of genetic testing in India

Genetic testing can provide valuable information about a person’s risk of developing certain genetic disorders. It can also help identify individuals who may be carriers of a disorder and at risk of passing it on to their children. In some cases, genetic testing can help guide treatment decisions. For example, if a person has a mutation that is known to increase the risk of cancer, they may be more likely to undergo regular cancer screening.

In India, genetic testing is becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. As more people are aware of the potential benefits of genetic testing, demand is expected to grow. This will likely lead to more innovative and affordable testing options becoming available in the future.

4. Pregenic Solutions in India

We at Pregenic Solutions strive to provide you the best possible service regarding genetic testing. Detecting diseases early stage can help you to postpone or even prevent complex diseases. Our newly developed machine learning algorithm is perfectly tailored for such diseases and we you give full transparency in our reports.


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