Our Mission

Genotyping and analyses
for all

Pregenic will provide services and products for DNA genotyping, and analyses. Specifically, Pregenic provides a range of products that bring awareness to the customers regarding genetic predispositions to diseases for affordable prices, by utilizing artificial intelligence.

Joining forces

Combining machine learning with
genotyped DNA

Artificial intelligence savys join forces with Biotechnology enthusiasts, enabling new opportunities for the rapidly developing Health Care industry, together with experience in Consulting, Research and Pharmaceutical industry.

Meet the Team

The core team behind Pregenic

Nishit Agrawal
I'm the CEO

Nishit Agrawal

My Expertise is in Computer Science and Business Administration. At Pregenic, I am responsible for Business Affairs and Product Development.

I'm the COO

Sushant Goyal

My Expertise is in Business Operations and Supply Chain. I am responsible for the Business Affairs.