
health workers wearing face mask

Coronavirus May Have Lasting Effects on Type 2 Diabetes

 The rise in cases of type 2 diabetes during the coronavirus pandemic The rise in cases of type 2 diabetes during the coronavirus pandemic is a matter of great concern. The increased incidence of this disease is due to the sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits of people during lockdowns. People are not getting enough

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man in black shirt and gray denim pants sitting on gray padded bench

Depression During Winter Season: What can we do?

1. Winter Depression: What You Need to Know Depression is a serious medical condition that can negatively affect how you feel, think, and handle day-to-day activities. Winter depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons and begins and ends at about the same times

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woman in white shirt showing frustration

India’s “burnout” crisis: why more young people are struggling to cope

1. What is “burnout” and why more young people are struggling to cope? “Burnout” is a term often used to describe a state of mental and physical exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress. It can result from work, personal relationships, or other life stressors. Symptoms of burnout include feelings of hopelessness, cynicism, and detachment;

India’s “burnout” crisis: why more young people are struggling to cope Read More »

woman slicing gourd

Biohacking in India – Bring your body to the next level

1. Biohacking in India – An Introduction Biological hacking, or ‘biohacking’, is a type of DIY (do-it-yourself) biology. It involves using various techniques to hack into living systems – often the human body – in order to change or improve them. Biohacking has been gaining popularity in recent years, particularly in the US and Europe.

Biohacking in India – Bring your body to the next level Read More »

person wearing red hoodie sitting in front of body of water

Depression is not only based on lifestyle but also Genetics!

1.Overview of depression in India Depression is a mental health disorder that causes a person to experience a persistent low mood and loss of interest in daily activities. Depression affects people of all ages and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. While the exact cause of depression is not known, it

Depression is not only based on lifestyle but also Genetics! Read More »

person in red long sleeve shirt holding brown wooden handle

Tradition Meets Modern Technology – Ayurveda x Genetics

1. What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine native to India. It is often called “the science of life” or “the art of longevity”, and aims to promote good health and prevent and treat illness. Ayurveda teaches that good health depends on a balance of the mind, body, and spirit, and emphasizes

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